The current commission list for September - December 31, 2024 IS NOW FULL and CLOSED.

Special thanks to everyone who inquired.  We will announce again in the spring for the next round of commissions.

How do commissions work?

In order to accommodate the large number of requests Siya gets for commissions, we will communicate when the list will be open (via newsletter through Siya and TDArt and social media avenues as applicable).

The list will be open for a limited time and those requests will be placed in a queue. Clients who have not gotten any commissions from Siya will be given first priority and commissions are limited to one per person/email.


You will be asked to pay TDArt in full for your commission. Payments for commissions are held until completion so there is no risk of losing your money if the list takes longer than anticipated.


  • No overtly sexual content, mild nudity only at artist’s discretion.
  • No original characters - Original characters are considered work for hire, for publishing and print.  Please contact us under “Business Inquiry” for pricing.
  • Artist reserves the right to refuse any requests. If you’d like something other than what offered please inquire.


Siya wants to give each fan the best experience, so thank you for your passion and patience!

- Tatiana, of TD Art Official Siya Oum Art Representative

Please sign up for the newsletter to early access on the latest commission status, convention appearances, and more!

Please contact us if you have questions about a past commission or the list prior to 2018.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you so much!